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Thursday 29 April 2010

Downloading music and films illegally

We all do it. I guess we just don’t like paying for music or films, why when we can download it for free.
According to the Times online “six million broadband users are estimated to download files illegally every year in this country” so why is downloading music and films illegally bad. Well according to the Times online line films and music companies claim it is costing them billions of pounds in lost revenue annually.
I watched this television program on BBC 1 about a month ago about downloading music and films illegally. Before watching this show I did not really think that downloading music and films illegally was a big deal I did not even know that it was illegal.
In my opinion I do not really see anything wrong with downloading music or films without paying for it. But them on the other hand some people might see this as stealing because you are talking something that t not yours without paying for it or permission.
The Times on line state that people who illegally download films and music will be cut off from the internet.
Internet service providers (ISPs) are legally required to take action to take action against people that pirated material. Moreover people who are suspected of wrongly downloading films or music will get a warning e-mail for the first offence, a suspension for the second infringement and the termination of their internet contract f caught a third time.

Coming to a conclusion I think that getting your internet cut off is a bit over that top. I understand that downloading things without paying is illegal, but instead of cutting off their whole internet why not just stop them from accessing music or film cites.

1 comment:

  1. I think Amina has touched upon some very interesting aspects of this subject. I particularly agree with her when she says there is nothing wrong with illegally downloading for many similar reasons she puts forward. From her research I think that getting your internet terminated because of illegal downloading is ridiculous- I feel it will not achieve anything, you would just go and get a connection in another name.
