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Thursday 6 May 2010

Response to Karrie-Ann’s on incest.

I found this topic interesting because different people have different opinions about this topic. I am not saying that incest in right buy many years ago like in Egypt people would sleep or marry a family member. So why do the society frown upon incest? I think it’s because of science for example if you had sex with you brother and you had a child the child would most probably come out deformed because of the parent share the same DNA. It’s because of society that people’s views on incest have changed. What do you think?

Response to Karrie-Ann’s on alcohol

I agree with you when you said that this lecture was very interesting. I also agreed with you when you said that some people start drinking at a young age. In my opinion I think that young people start drinking mostly because of peer pressure and he have to drink to fit in with their friends. I do not think that people think or know much about the effects of drinking, and the people that do no about the effects i do not think they care because people always say it will never happen to me i can control my drinking.

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Response to Angela Rollins blog on the film Kids

I agree with you when you said that the director Larry Clark may have wanted to show parents how children act in real life by making this film. I found it shocking as well that there were hardly any parents in this film. It made me wander maybe if parents knew what their children were getting up to they would be able to stop it.

Response to Angela Rollins blog on Masturbation

I think that is lecture was embarrassing but also funny. I agree with you when you said that masturbation is a private thing. I also agree with you when you said that people’s views of masturbation has changes think that people are more open to talk about it now than they were back in the day.

Response to Angela Rollins blog on drugs

I agree with you drugs are still a big problem in this country even though they are illegal. I think that that it is a good idea to show people the effects of drugs but on the other hand there are still going to be some people who just don’t care, I do not think people understand the dangers of taking drugs. Even with the law some people still don’t care. I do disagree with you when you said t would be better if drugs were illegal and people could see that effects of the drugs from others. Drugs are illegal for a reason and this reason is because they are dangers and if they were legal then people would think it is ok to take them. The people that take drugs know that it is wrong may be that’s why they do it who knows there are many reasons why people take drugs.

Tuesday 4 May 2010


I hate it when I see people in the streets littering on the floor when they can just put the unwanted item in the bin, simple. Prosecutions for littering are brought about under section 87 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990
People who carelessly drop litter in a public open place are committing a criminal offence (apart from where it is allowed by law or done with the consent of the owner or occupier of the land).

The average fine is about £100 plus any costs the court awards. However, a person convicted of this offence could be liable to a maximum fine of £2,500 (a level 4 offence on the standard scale) in my opinion i think paying a large amount of money for littering is a bit over the top. People should not litter but there are other people out there who are committing worse crimes.
Throwing litter from vehicles onto public land is also a littering offence under section 87 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990.If the registration number is taken the registered keeper's identity can be obtained from the Driver Vehicle and Licensing Agency by the police or the local authority. In my opinion i think that throwing litter from your car into public land is just disrespectful and stupid do not see why people cannot put their rubbish in the bin. It’s only going to take a second.
coming to a conclusion people are still going to be littering even though they are not supposed to do it. In my opinion i do not think that people will or are going to take this law seriously because people do not see this harmful in anyway.

Monday 3 May 2010

Truancy AKA bunking off school.

Am sure we have all done it before.
What is truancy? This is an unexcused absence from particular class or the entire school. These absences are against the law because they do not have a formal approval.
Why do Students Play Truant? There are many reasons why students play truant for example: to escape bullying at school, bad relationships with teachers or other instructors, the truant has no interest in school or taking holidays.

The Guardian states that Nearly 230,000 pupils were classified as persistent absentees, meaning they missed more than 20% of school.
There are Consequences of Truancy. According to the Guardian in 2008 government statistics showed that the number of parents jailed for failing to shop their children playing truant has trebled in the past five years.
According to the Guardian the statistics, obtained by the Liberal Democrats, reveal seven parents were imprisoned for the offence in 2003, while 22 were in 2006, the latest available year.
In total, 71 parents were jailed between 2003 and 2006 for not stopping their children persistently avoiding school. Since 2000, parents have faced jail sentences of up to three months for the offence in England and Wales.
In my opinion I think that it is a bit drastic that parents are jailed just because their children are not attending school, for example some parents don’t even know that their children are truanting from school. Even if they did know that their children were not attending school they cannot make their children go to school if they don’t want to go to school parents cannot watch their children twenty four seven. I think that if parents are getting blamed then so should schools. May be f schools had a better system them students would not be truanting.

Sunday 2 May 2010

Would you ever wear fur?

I used to love garments that were made out of fur or leather. I did not really know or care where it came from. All I was interested in was the fact that it was fashionable and it looked good. Two weeks ago I was watching this television program on BBC three called blood sweat and luxuries which looked six young British teens who swap their luxury lives. They travel to Ethiopia working in a factory were animals were killed and then their skin is used to make shoes, leather, fur ect. I was very shocked after watching this show. The program showed the whole process from the animals getting killed to making the leather or fur . I felt sorry for these animals that were getting killed, but on the other hand animals are still getting killed weather it’s for fashion or humans eating them. So is killing animals for luxury reasons OK? Because either way animals are still getting killed.
Lots of animals are killed for their fur, including minks, foxes, rabbits, sables, chinchillas, beavers, lynx, seals and racoons.
I was reading an article from the BBC news website it stated that in 2006 Pete Burns a Big brother contestant announced that when he went into the Big brother house he was wearing a fur coat which he said was made from gorilla skin. Biodiversity minister Jim Knight said: "Gorilla skins belong on gorillas, not on reality TV show contestants." If this was true Burns would be in a lot of trouble because gorillas top the list of critically endangered species and trading in any such species carries a penalty of up to five years in prison and an unlimited fine.
The government banned fur farming in Britain in 2003 but it can still be imported from other countries. In spite of the ban, the fur trade is worth up to £500m a year to the UK, according to the British Fur Trade Association (BFTA).
Mink and fox are among the most popular furs in the UK. Dog and cat fur is legal in Britain, although members of the BFTA do not handle them. Responding to concerned animal welfare charities, the government has announced there is no hard evidence that dog and cat fur is sold in the UK, although admits it is difficult to establish whether such skins are entering the country.
Coming to a conclusion i don’t think people who wear fur really care where it comes from just as long as it looks good on them. i also think that it is a good thing that the government banned fur farming in the UK even though people are still going to be wearing it.
The link at the bottom looks at people opinions about wearing fur.

people’s opinions

Thursday 29 April 2010

Response to Isabel post on body modification

I agree with you when u said you found this lecture interesting. The fact the people from different cultures have certain body modification which states what tribe they are in or maybe the God they worship. I also agree with you when you said you found the history of body medication interesting because before this lecture i did not really think about the history of body modification or the meaning behind it. I just thought people got body modification because it made them look good and thats its.

Downloading music and films illegally

We all do it. I guess we just don’t like paying for music or films, why when we can download it for free.
According to the Times online “six million broadband users are estimated to download files illegally every year in this country” so why is downloading music and films illegally bad. Well according to the Times online line films and music companies claim it is costing them billions of pounds in lost revenue annually.
I watched this television program on BBC 1 about a month ago about downloading music and films illegally. Before watching this show I did not really think that downloading music and films illegally was a big deal I did not even know that it was illegal.
In my opinion I do not really see anything wrong with downloading music or films without paying for it. But them on the other hand some people might see this as stealing because you are talking something that t not yours without paying for it or permission.
The Times on line state that people who illegally download films and music will be cut off from the internet.
Internet service providers (ISPs) are legally required to take action to take action against people that pirated material. Moreover people who are suspected of wrongly downloading films or music will get a warning e-mail for the first offence, a suspension for the second infringement and the termination of their internet contract f caught a third time.

Coming to a conclusion I think that getting your internet cut off is a bit over that top. I understand that downloading things without paying is illegal, but instead of cutting off their whole internet why not just stop them from accessing music or film cites.

Friday 16 April 2010

Body modification

I found this lecture funny and interesting. It got a bit boring at times but i enjoyed it. After the lecture i found out so much information about tattoos i think i could actually work n a tattoo parlour.
For thousands of years, people all across the globe have been participating in various forms of body modification.
What is body modification? In the lecture i found out that Body medication is changing of the body by various means and to varying degrees from its natural original state to another.

Everyone has a body medication of some sort. In the lecture we talked about different types of body medication for example non invasive practices these do not alter the body’s structure and usually involves the body’s surface. Invasive practices these modify the body and either temporarily or permanently by adding to or removing from the body.

There are many reasons for modifying your body for example attraction people might modify their body because it makes them look good, religious reasons people might modify their body for a religious reason. In the lecture we found out that many years ago people in tribes would tattoo there body so that other people would know what tribe they came from. Become part of a group some people tattoo themselves to become part of a group.

In this lecturer we found out that People all around the world actively participate in various forms of body modification. Altering the body using tattoos or piercings has been commonplace for hundreds of tribes for thousands of years for example, certain tribes in Africa pierce the lip and insert rocks or sticks in order to stretch the lip out. Once the lip is stretched, a lip plate is inserted. For these tribes, lip plates are considered normal and can have a variety of representations. For other cultures, lip piercings can be looked down upon.

This lecture was interesting because i found out about the history of tattoos and body medications. Before this lecture i knew little about the history of body modification. I thought that people with tattoos or piercing only got them so they can look good or because other people have it. I know about the historical meaning of body modification.

In the lecture we were asked which body modifications we fund wrong and which ones we found expectable. Well me personally some of the images that were shown i found a bit shock for example don’t know why someone would pierce there privet area, but then on the other hand it’s their body so i guess they can do what they want with it. On the other hand some people might think that this is completely wrong because they believe people should be happy with what God gave them and they should not change their body. I think that the body medications that should be expectable are getting your ears pierced, your belly button. With tattoos i think maybe about two but in hidden places. I think that when you get a lot of tattoos it looks ugly when you are really old because your skin is all elastic. I sore some TV program last week about this man who spent £100,000 on tattoos and plastic surgery to turn himself into a "tiger". Dennis Smith is tattooed from head to toe with orange and black stripes and his teeth have been filed to needle point. He has also had latex whiskers implanted and surgery to his lips so he has a permanent snarl. He now wants a surgeon to graft tiger fur on to his skin, like a perma-wig. I think most people would agree with me that this is way over that top. I felt sorry for this man because were ever he went people always looked at him and because he had so much tattoos he could not be able to get a job anyway because of the way he it. If it was me i wouldn’t give him a job either.

Coming to a conclusion there are many reasons why people get body modifications. Whatever that reason is good for them it’s their skin and not anyone else’s so i guess we shouldn’t really judge them.

Wednesday 14 April 2010

Response to Karrie-Anne’s blog on Masturbation

I agree with what you are saying i think that when we had that discussion on Masturbation people were shocked, embarrassed but also found the topic funny. I don’t think that people like discussing Masturbation, not girls anyway I think that girls find it more embarrassing. In my opinion i think that boys are more open to talk about Masturbation some even brag about how many times they do it a day. I also agree with when you said that Masturbation has become more expectable than it was back in the day it’s probably because as the society changes so do people opinions.

Friday 26 March 2010

Response to Ayesha's blog on masturbation

In my opinion i think that lying is good but them on the other hand it is also bad. It depends on what you are lying bout for example if you tell a little white like and it is not going to hurt the person, or if you tell a lie to protect that person then it is good to lie. On the other hand if you are telling big lies for example someone close to you had died or you are ill and you don’t have long left people actually do tell those big lies i knew a girl from my old school who said she had cancer and she didn’t. My friend found out she was lying and asked the girl why she lied she said she “wanted to fit in” and she wanted people to pay her attention

Response to Ayesha's blog on masturbation

I think that the lecture on masturbation was very uncomfortable for people to talk about. In my opinion i think that it is a very private thing and most people get embarrassed when you talk about masturbation. But on the other hand i don’t think that boys get that shy when it comes to talking about masturbations. Some boys talk about how many times they do it or talk about who can do it the most.

Response to Ayesha's blog on smoking

In my opinion i don’t agree with you when you say that smoking is not really bad because it is. For example smoking has a bad affect on the person’s life for example they can get lung cancer and even die. Smoking not only affects the person who is smoking but also the people around them for example passive smoking if you are smoking around someone who has asthma it can have a bad affect on their health. Lastly smoking also effects the government and the NHS a lot of money for example people who some and get lung cancer they need to go into hospital and have an operation which cost the NHS a lot of money.

Response to Ayesha's blog on plastic surgery

I agree with what you are saying i think that the media has a lot of influence on how people look and how they dress. I also agree with you when you said that Hollywood also has a big influence on the why people act. I think that this is because when ever people say or think of Hollywood they think fame, fabulous sty and beauty. So there is a lot of competition and people feel they pressure to look good or better than others that are around them.

Thursday 25 March 2010

Infidelity is: having an affair, being unfaithful or seeing someone else behind your partners back.
In today’s lecture we discussed what count as infidelity. Some of the questions asked were: is sleeping around with more than one person count as infidelity? In my opinion i think that if you are sleeping around with more than one person and your partner does not know then yes it is infidelity because you are doing it behind their back. The other question that was asked in today’s lecture was: Is flirting with other people infidelity? In my opinion i do not think that flirting with other people is infidelity. Am not saying that it is right but if they are only flirting then it’s not. On the other hand it depends on the type of person that you are some people have different believes and they expect their partners to act a particular way. Another question that was asked was: Is having virtual (online) relationship with another person infidelity? In my opinion i think that in a way it is but then in another way it’s not. The person might be having an online relationship because it’s fun and exciting taking to a stranger. I have had friends who talk to boys or girls on the internet and they say that it fun because they can say what they want. They do not have to feel embarrassed because they person does not know them. Also they can lie about who they are, what they do and how they look like because it’s all part of the thrill. So if someone was having an online relationship but they know that it was only for fun and they would never take it to another level then i don’t think it is infidelity. On the other hand the person might be looking for someone to have fun with n person and not just on the internet so it they meet up and have sex or sexual contact then yes it is infidelity.

In two day’s lecture we were asked if any of us have ever cheated. I was surprised to see that only two people had put up their hands. I thought that more people would have said that they have cheated. Maybe they did not want to admit to i because they were embarrassed and didn’t want people to think bad of them.
We also asked: why do we think people cheat? There are many reasons why people cheat for example, your love life might me boring and you want some excitement, your partner cheated on you first so you want to get your own back on them because you think it going to make you feel better or you just want the other person to hurt just as much as you do or the thrill of cheating turns you on.
We were asked: is infidelity is a form of lying? In my opinion i think that infidelity is a form of lying for example if you are asked if you are cheating and you say no them yes it is. On the other hand if you are not asked by your partner then no because you do not have to give them an answer. But then you are still lying TO YOUR SELF!
In today’s lecture we were asked: is there a gender bias when it comes to cheating? In my opinion i think that there is a gender bias when it comes to men and women cheating for example if women cheat they are seen as dirty and are called all sorts of names but on the other hand i think they men have it much easier than women when they cheat people just call them bad or heartbreakers.
We were asked; what affect can infidelity have on children? In my opinion i think that it depends what type of family you have. For example if you have a tight bond with your parents. If your parent do not get on and they are always fighting. If the child for example is old enough to understand what is going and why their parents are splitting up and they can see it’s for the best the child might not be that affected by the break up and their parents splitting up is the best thing for everyone. On the other hand the child might blame the parent who has cheated because they have ruined everything. Either way the child is going to be affected.
In my opinion i do not see why people cheat if you know that you do not want to be with someone then why you don’t just tell them. So they can move on with their life instead of hurting them. i also think that people that cheat on you once and you take them back they are only going to do it again because they have done it before and you have forgiven them so what is stopping them from doing it again. For example take Ashley Cole and Cheryl Cole he has cheated on her more than once and she took him back every time. In my opinion i think that they more she took him back the more power he got to cheat more and more and more
Coming to a conclusion i think that if you don’t want to be with someone just tell them.

Wednesday 24 March 2010

Bandits and outlaws

I think that last week’s lecture on bandits and outlaws was funny but also interesting. When someone says the word outlaw i think of words like crooks, gangsters, desperados or gunslingers. When someone says the word bandit or outlaw i think of people like about Robin Hood Bonnie, Clyde, Pretty Boy Floyd and Jesse James.
In my opinion i don’t think that all outlaws are villains. Take Robin Hood for example he is known for
Stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. From watching the film and the T.V program on BBC1 Robin Hood He was never portrayed as a villain but as a hero to the viewers.
On the other hand when someone says the world bandits i think dangerous, heartless criminals. For instance Bonnie and Clyde they did not care about the people that they killed.
Bonnie and Clyde were suspected of numerous killings and was wanted for murder, robbery, and state charges of kidnapping.
They met in Texas. Bonnie was 19 and married to and locked up murderer; Clyde was 21 and unmarried. I was so sucked they i read this. I thought to myself why would someone get married to a killer. Then i thought maybe she found this exciting or maybe she was alone and she had nobody to love her and crime was the only thing she thought she can turn to or maybe crime was the only think she was good at.

Sunday 21 March 2010


Vandalism is an illegal, anti-social activity that creates a negative impression of an area and contributes to people's fear of crime.
Vandalism can range from dropping a small piece of litter on the street through to arson and other obvious acts of vandalism.
Vandalism includes: graffiti, dumping of refuse, smashing of windows and bus shelters, abandoned vehicles, or interference with road signs
I can stand it when i see young people vandalising brand new bus stops or when they start writing things on bus windows. Things like name tags or something like “Katie love Jack forever and ever”
In my opinion i think that vandalism is wrong. Some people say that graffiti on walls is art but they don’t think about the people that have to clean it up or how much money it’s going to cost to remove the damage that they have done. If people love art that much and they love expressing their feeling then get an art book.

Friday 19 March 2010

Is tanning bad for us?

The first indoor tanning beds were developed in 1906 and actually had nothing to do with getting the perfect tan. They were developed by a medical research company named Heraeus. The main purpose of this tanning lamp was medicinal. It was initially used on patients with diseases like rickets and other calcium deficiency disorders to see if the increased sunlight would help to develop stronger bones and enhance the body's ability to produce calcium. As time progressed, it became clear that Heraeus was onto something big with its invention of artificial tanning beds.
In my opinion i think that sun bed tanning is wrong. According to medical research tanning can course skin cancer. People always say “o it will never happen to me “but sooner or later it will happen to do if you don’t stop using the sun bed. What upsets me is that people never think they will get cancer from a sun bed and they carry on tanning and tanning until it does happen to them and that’s when they wish they never done it in the first place. The people who do carry on sun bed tanning they have no one to blame but themselves because they knew the risks but they went on and did it anyway.

Sun beds are very popular with young people but you need to be over sixteen to use one. Around 25% of young people aged 16 have used a sun bed at some time. It is recommended that the following people avoid sun beds completely: Those with very fair skin, those who burn easily or who tan badly, Those who have had skin cancer or have a family history of the illness and Those using medication that could make their skin oversensitive to UV light. When using a sun bed you run the risk of getting: Certain types of skin cancer, premature aging or wrinkles, Eye damage, a reduced immune system.

Girls Aloud member Nicola Roberts challenges the nation's obsession with tanning with a positive message. A documentary was shown on BBC about the dangers of sun bed tanning. In this documentary there was a man called Tom who felt the need to inject himself with tanning-aid drugs in order to seek the perfect colour. He looked ridiculous and orange. The funny thing was that he knew how dangerous it was but he didn’t care because he wanted to look good. When i sore this documentary i was shocked that some people who do anything just to look good. Nicola asked him to stop tanning for a month he did and he looked so much better. In my opinion i think that he went back to tanning because of the way he was act he didn’t look happy without his tan.

Coming to a conclusion according to the BBC news website A Cancer Research UK report, commissioned by the government, found 6% of children aged 11 to 17 had used a sunbed, with the figure rising to 11% in the north of England. I think that people should think twice about tanning and the risks that come with it.

Thursday 18 March 2010

Plastic surgery is it right?

There are many reasons why people have plastic surgery. Some think that they will feel better about themselves and more confident, some say they want to look better, some say they want to look younger.
In my opinion i think that people should only have plastic surgery if something was seriously wrong with them. For example if they were in a car accident, if they had a broken nose ect. I think that it’s wrong when people have plastic surgery just to look good or they think that plastic surgery is going to make them a better person. I don’t understand why people think that plastic surgery would make them a better person. I feel that it’s not going to change anything about who you are its only going to change the way you look .they are still going to be the same person they were before the surgery but “plastic”
Plastic surgery is wrong because God made you the way you are for a reason. Why change it?
The thing that upsets me the most about plastic surgery is that most people who have it the first time don’t just stop there they want more and more until they are addicted to it. It’s like they would want a nose job and after that they would look for something else that they want to prefect and they will have more and more until they are completely satisfied.
The other thing that upsets me about people who have plastic surgery is that some say something stupid like “ i don’t like my nose i want my nose to look like jerry Springer’s” ha-ha why would you want you have your nose looking like someone else’s don’t you want your own nose.. Well obviously not!
I think that plastic surgery sends out the wrong message to people especially to young people. More and more young teens want to get plastic surgery because they want to look like there favourite celebrity , they have seen air brushed pictures of perfect looking people in magazines and they want to look just like them or because they are getting picked on about the way they look.
I think that people need to look at someone like Jocelyn Wildenstein, Michael Jackson and Pete Burns. I don’t think that some people understand that plastic surgery can go wrong even with celebrities and they have money to get a good plastic surgeon.
Things can go terribly wrong with plastic surgery it can even lead to death for example Donda West, mother of the celebrity rapper, Kanye West she had heart problems buts still went on and had plastic surgery. The stupid thing was that instead on getting plastic surgery n one place she got plastic surgery in several different places and that is what cursed her death.
Coming to a conclusion i think that people need to think carefully about getting plastic surgery, and how it is going to change their life not only physically but emotionally and mentally and is it right for them is it the right thing to do. Don’t just do it because you want to look like someone or because everyone is doing. I want people to also understand that plastic surgery can also go wrong even if you have the best doctor and a lot of money so THINK!

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Under age sex

There are lots of teenagers out there that are having under age sex. They know that it is wrong and illegal but it doesn’t stop them from doing it. In my opinion i don’t think that teenagers care as far as they are concerned its their body and they can do whatever they want with it.
I don’t think that some teenagers know the consequences of having sex under age. For example the girl could get pregnant. You always hear stories of young teenage girls who get pregnant their rather didn’t know that they were pregnant or they didn’t think they could get pregnant at such a young age. I remember the story that was in the news about a 13 year old Schoolboy Alfie believed he had become Britain's youngest dad after 15-year-old girlfriend Chantelle Stedman gave birth to daughter Maisie in Eastbourne, East Sussex. But the DNA showed that he was not the father. When i read this story i was gob smacked because the young boy didn’t even look 13 he looked about 8 years old. The first thing that came into my mind was what is a 15 year old girl doing with a 13 year old boy.

The law believes that when a girl is under 13 she is not mature enough to consent to sex. So even if a 12-year-old girl willingly has intercourse, as far as the law is concerned, she has not "consented" to it because legally she is not able to.
The implication of the rule is that anyone who has sex with a girl under 13 is committing what is termed "statutory rape". There is no defence to this charge even if a boy says the girl was willing or that he thought she was older than she was, it would not matter.

I think that having sex under that age of 16 is a hard topic debate about i am not for it but i am not agent it ether. Way back in the day young girl could get married at a very young age and start having a family. This was seen as normal. The law has changed over time and so have people’s expectations of how we should act in the society. In my opinion i think that it is a person’s choice to choose when they are ready to have sex. On the other hand this all depends on the young person’s mentality are they mature enough, they having sex because all their friends are having sex and they don’t want to feel left out or are they having sex with the other person because they mean something to them.
In my opinion i also feel that there is a lot of expectation for boys to have sex at an early age. For example if a boy has sex at the age of 14 his friends would think that he is cool and he is a man. I also don’t think that his parents would be that disappointed they would probably just ask him if he used protection and to be careful. But on the other hand if a girl had sex at the age of 14 her parents would be angry they would probably want to find out who the boy is and tell him to keep away from her or they might even tell the police because she is under the age. Also if a girl has sex at 14 she is classified as a hore but a boy would be classified as a man.

Coming to a conclusion i think that both teenage boys and girls are under a lot pressure when it comes to sex. I also think that there should be more sex education classed tort at schools so that young people know more about teenage pregnancy and STI.

Tuesday 16 March 2010

Is gambling a sin?

There is a lot to say about this topic. In my opinion i think that gambling is a dangerous game to play. I have seen it on T.V programmes when people talk about their gambling addiction and how it has ruined their life. You hear about people losing their homes, families or even their friends because they have a gambling addiction.
The Bible does not particularly condemn gambling, betting, or the lottery. The Bible does warn us, however, to stay away from the love of money.
Gambling is a difficult topic because if it is done in moderation and only on occasion, it is a waste of money, but it is not necessarily evil. People waste money on all sorts of activities. Gambling is no more or less of a waste of money than seeing a movie, eating an unnecessarily expensive meal, or purchasing a worthless item. At the same time, the fact that money is wasted on other things does not justify gambling. In my opinion i think that money should not be wasted on gambling. On the other hand people know what they are getting themselves into when they start gambling they know that there is a possibility that they might not win so if they go through with it then it’s up to them because the already know the consequences.
Coming to a conclusion in my opinion i think that people who gamble need to think twice before they do it because. People who gamble say they get a buzz out of it. When they win they get more and greedier so they bet more and more money until they win. Some gambler when they carry on playing so they can win even more money instead of being happy with what they have got.

Monday 15 March 2010

Is swearing good for us.

When i was young i was always told that swearing was bad and whenever i would ever i would swear my mum would tell me “you wash your mouth out with soap”
Swearing can be rude, crude and offensive. It can reflect a bad attitude that looks bad on your image and your relationships. People might perceive you as an abrasive person who lacks character, maturity, intelligence, manners and emotional.
Everyone swears some more than others. In my opinion i don’t think there is anything wrong with swear if you’re having a laugh with your mates but if you are swearing at someone you don’t know then they would take it offensively. Or even if you are having an argument with someone u do no and you swear at them they might take it offensively.
Most of the time people swear because they have hurt themselves. According to research swearing is often used as a form of stress relief and anger management, and may actually be an under-appreciated way to blow off steam.
According to Keele University swearing triggers your body’s natural “fight or flight” stress response and actually increases your tolerance to pain.
An exercise was carried out that involved 64 people who were asked to put their hand in a tub of ice water while first repeating a swear word and in the second experiment reaping a common word used to describe a table. Researchers found out that “Swearing increased pain tolerance, increased heart rate and decreased perceived pain compared with not swearing”
Coming to a conclusion everyone swears we probably shouldn’t do it because it’s rude but on the other hand when we swear we do feel good after well i do anyway but hay .

Sunday 14 March 2010


There are good drugs and bad drugs.
There are drugs that can be swallowed, smoked, injected or inhaled.
There are many different reasons why people take drugs for example: some people hear that marijuana and mushrooms grow naturally so they must be safe, drugs that are sold at sores without a prescription must be ok, some people think that drugs might help with the stress, some people think that drugs will make them cool or rebellious and some people think that prescribed and steroids will improve their performance and looks.
There are many reasons why some people start talking drugs many of their social. With the very first use chemical changes occur in the brain that may lead to addiction. Drug addiction is a disease. Every time a person takes drugs they increase their chances of becoming addicted.
In my opinion i don’t know why people take drugs when they know that they are bad for them and that they can even kill you. Sometimes i think that some people do not value their body enough to think about the consequences of talking drugs. I can understand that sometimes it’s because of peer pressure but if your friends are telling you that you should try drugs them may be they are not the right friends for you. Also is when i thought that people would be more carefully for example when i see what drugs have done to people like Amy winehouse it makes me even more against taking drugs.
I have read stories in the news papers, or seen TV documentaries and films where people have become so addicted to drugs that they spend all their money till they have nothing else. Then this will lead to the stilling off friends and family or even going into prostitution just so that they can get their next fix.

I was on some drug addiction website and i read other peoples stories on why they started taking drugs. The story i am going to talk about really got my eye.

A thirteen year old girl started taking cocaine at thirteen. Before this she stated that she was taking marijuana and alcohol but it didn’t really work for her. When i read this it really shocked me the fact that she wanted to take her drug abuse to the next level. It was as almost like she was experimenting with every sort of drugs she can get her hands on until she found the best one. To me it seemed like the more dangerous the drug the better it was because it gave her a buzz. Any way carrying on with the story so to make things even worse she started to use heroin. She said she used it to come down from cocaine and get some sleep. She started liking the heroin high and started using it all the time.
She said that she also took prescription drugs because they were so easy to get. She said she never had to buy them or get them from a doctor. She would just get them from friends who had gone through their parent’s medicine cabinet. She also thought that prescription drugs were “safer” than other drugs and figured that it was okay for people to take them, and if they were legal she would be fine.
Coming to a conclusion after readying other peoples stories i started to think do people really know the affects of drugs before and after they take them? In my opinion i think that the government need to do more in advising people about the dangerous of drugs and parents need to talk to their children more about drugs because what i realised when i read these stories most of the people who started talking drugs was because they lost a loved one, peer pressure or they started talking a drug that had less effect and wanted a drug that had more effect.

Friday 12 March 2010

Lecture 3 Bad Behaviour (stalking)

Well were can i even start on this. First i think that you would have to be pretty sad and lonely to stalk someone. On the other hand i also think that stalking is a frightening experience for the person who is being stalked. The fact that someone is watching you. This would make me uncomfortable especially if i am alone. All kinds of things would be going through my mind if the person watching m now, am i safe eventually i would get very paranoid. In my opinion i think that there are different types of stalking for example the harmless one were the stalker just calls the person all the time and always trying to speak to your or there is the serious type of stalking were the person is waiting outside your house trying to look though your windows or breaking into your email account.In the lecture we looked at a video clip from Peep show where one of the characters had a crush on a colleague from work so he broke into her email account so that he could find out information about her so that he can go out with her. After watching this video clip we was asked: When does a concerned interest in someone’s activities become stalking? In my opinion i think that it become stalking when the stalker hacks into the victims email address so that they can get closer or find out more about their victim. I also think that it becomes stalking when the victim feel uncomfortable or scared to leave the house or even be in their own house because they feel that they are being watched by the stalker.

The other question that was asked in the lecture was: Are some kinds of observance allowable and appropriate and which ones aren’t? In my opinion i think that that looking out or making sure that you neighbours children are safe is expectable but then on the other hand it depends on it the neighbour who is looking after the child is are they realisable, do they have a history of a criminal record and are they a paedophile. You hear stories about paedophiles living in an area or on the sex offenders register and the neighbours don’t even have a clue and till something bad happens. But then on the other hand you could have a good neighbour who is just looking out for your children but other people might see it the wrong way and this might create problems for that person.

According to the BBC news website a father has spoken of how he is trying to clear his name after being falsely labelled a paedophile. A leaflet sent to neighbours wrongly claims care home worker Michael Jones, 42, from Porthcawl, is being investigated for assaulting a child. The man who was accused said that he was worried about the effect on his family
The leaflet came to the police's attention when two neighbours handed copies over to them.
It included information about Mr Jones's appearance, address and car details.
But it contains a wrong date of birth and middle name for him.
The leaflet warns: "Should you see this vehicle parked outside your house or school please be vigilant or even contact the police.

In my opinion i think that these days you can never really trust anyone even if it your neighbour because you can never really know a person to well.

Thursday 11 March 2010

Bad cinema Kids.

I really enjoyed are day trip to the lighthouse. But most of all i really enjoyed the film. The film was about a group of kids but in my opinion i would not advise it for kids to watch. i think that this film was very realistic because most of the things that happen in this film do actually happen in reality and i wasn’t really shocked by what i sore. I think that the director Larry Clark did a fantastic job with this movie. I think that this movie would make parents think twice about what their children get up to when they are not around. I was shocked that throughout the whole film we did really see any parents. It was as if their parents had disappeared off the earth and the kids were free to do what they wanted. One example was towards the end of the film when one of the boy’s had a house party and everyone was drunk, sleeping with each other and doing drugs At this point am sure everyone watching the film was thinking “were the hell are your parents”. I was also shocked when i sore the young group of little boys smoking weed: I think that this film also a made people think twice about whom they sleep with and using protection after seeing the character of Telly who had AIDs. Every time i watched this character just made me sick. The way he would use girls and fed them with lies just so that he could sleep with then. The fact that he just used the same line with every girl “you will like it i just know you will like it, i really like you and i promise it not going to hurt” it just made me so angry even when he had sex with them he didn’t even take it into consideration that it was there first time he was so rough with them. I think that the character of Telly played his part well in the film because it showed young girl how boys like him can easily take advantage. Audience assume that he does not know about his disease it would be quit sickening if he did known that he had AIDs i wouldn’t be surprised there are many people out there with it that would sleep with other people and they do not even tell them because you’re not going to sleep with someone if they tell you they have HIV or AIDs would you? I hope that this film made people think twice before they did things. Like when Caspar had sex with Jen and he didn’t even know she had AIDs. When this happened i just look a deep breath and said good “why are you going to have sex with someone one who is out of it and asleep to she did not give him consent. Whatever drug Jen was on i want some of that ha-ha she was so out of it she didn’t even know what was going on. I think that the film should have showed what happened to the characters instead of leaving use in suspense or making up our own ending. I also hope that parents need punish their children more i also think that they need to keep a more eye on their children. I think that this film was very moving and powerful. After watching this film it left me thinking about life and how privileged i am.

Wednesday 10 March 2010

I have seen the film breakfast at tiffany’s when i was about 12.
Breakfast at tiffany’s (1961) is the story of a woman on her own making her way in the big city.
A clip of Audrey Hepburn was shown in the lecture she was dressed very classy. In this film prostitution was represented as a very high class job.
There are many reason why people might get into prostitution for example they might not have enough money to support their family and the job they are doing is not earning them enough money so they can support their children, a runaway teenagers that are living on the street and they met someone who introduced them to prostitution, some people might think that it is an easy way to make money.
There are many women working as prostitutes and many working as escorts. In my opinion i think it’s easy to spot a prostitute because of the way they are dressed. Most of them look ragged and a probably high on drugs. But on the other hand i think it’s harder to spot an escort because most of the time they are dressed classier.
In this lecture there were three questions that were discussed the first one was: is it prostitution to take money from someone expecting sex, but then not to supply it? In my opinion i think that even if you’re not supplying sex to them and only taking their money i still think it’s a form of prostitution because you are still taking the money. But then on the other hand some people might see this as robbery because the client has paid to receive sex but doesn’t get any. But f the client wants to give her the money without getting what he came for than that’s his problem.
The second question was: if it isn’t then is it more or less socially respectable? In my opinion i think that it is not socially respectable because you are still talking the money just because you didn’t sleep with the person it does not make you a better person. It would be more socially respectable if you don’t take the money.
The last question was: If it is prostitution then how much is a reasonable charge? I think that would depends on how good you are, how rich your clients are and how much they are willing to pay you, also how many clients you have because the more clients you have the more money you make. Also if you have the same clients that keep coming back then you would raise the prices. But then that might mean doing more things to them.
Lastly i think that prostitution is a disgusting and dangerous profession for anyone to get themselves into things can go wrong you can get raped by your client, you can contract a sexually transmitted infection or even HIV.

Tuesday 9 March 2010


In my opinion i think that bullying is one of the worst things to go through if you’re a child or teenager. Children who are bullied tend to be: Sensitive, Socially withdrawn they may think poorly of themselves, or they may have a quiet temperament, Passive they often let other people be in control and do not stand up for themselves.
According to a website called Web MD “Boys are more likely than girls to be bullied in both physical and psychological ways”

In my opinion i think that a child who is bullied sometimes ends up bullying others. These children often respond to being bullied by feeling anxious and aggressive. Without knowing how to handle these feelings, they target other children who they think will not fight back.

There are lots children out there who are getting bullied but they are to scared or embarrassed to tell their parents. Lucky for me i have never been bullied at school. I don’t think i have bullied others well not to their face anyway. I so don’t know if you can call to bullying.
The Government has made tackling bullying in schools a key priority and the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) has made it clear that no form of bullying should be tolerated. Bullying in our schools should be taken very seriously; it is not a normal part of growing up and it can ruin lives.

Now days there is a lot of support for children who experiencing bullying such as:
The Anti-Bullying Alliance and NASUWT, with support from the DCSF, have created a leaflet to support parents to talk to their children about bullying. Keep an eye on it provides information for parents and adults working with young people on how to spot the signs of bullying and what they can do to help.

There is advice for young people who are concerned about bullying on the Direct Gov website.
In November 2004 celebrities such as Sports stars Kelly Holmes and Rio Ferdinand who signed up to a new campaign, to try to tackle bullying in schools. There have also been lots of TV adverts to get the message across about bullying. Children were encouraged to wear a blue wristband. In my opinion i think that this was a very good way to get the message across not only about bullying but to show the children that are getting bullied that they are not alone. I also think that wearing the wristband was a good way to get the message across showing people who are getting bullied they are supported and the people who are bullying that we are against it.

Monday 8 March 2010

Binge drinking.

Binge drinking generally means drinking several alcoholic drinks in a row over a short period of time often with the intention of getting drunk.
I can’t stand it the way teenagers drink to much alcohol. In my opinion believe that binge drinking is very dangerous. Especially for teenage girls if your drunk and out of your head there is so many things that could happen to you for example you could get raped, you could get run over by a car binge drinking can also lead to liver problems.
According to the BBC news website in 2002 a report suggested Binge drinking is a significant problem among teenagers.
Up to a quarter of 13 and 14-year-olds claimed to have "downed" at least five alcoholic drinks in a single session.
according to a government report Britain's binge drinking culture is costing the country £20 billion a year. (BBC news 2003) The annual cost to employers is estimated to be £6.4 billion while the cost to the NHS is in the region of £1.7bn.
Billions more are spent clearing up alcohol-related crime and social problems.
In my opinion i don’t think teenagers know how much binge drinking is costing the government. According to the BBC news website Alcohol-related accidents and illnesses land around 150,000 people in hospital each year. I don’t think young people know the effects drinking has on their body.

I also don’t think that they know how much binge drinking affects the body. Binge drinking regularly places stress on the liver and may lead to alcoholic liver disease, including alcoholic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis. Frequent binge drinking can also increase the risk of Skin problems, Birth defects in children born to women who drink heavily during pregnancy, Lung, stomach and intestinal problems and Kidney problems.

Saturday 6 March 2010

Lecture 5 on masturbation.

I think that is was a very embarrassing subject to discuss. Especially in a class room of about 40 people and i think everyone else would agree with what am saying. Talking about masturbation was uncomfortable for me. Many years ago masturbation was frowned up on. Many religions, especially the Catholic Church, regard masturbation as an expression of sin. Sin is a difficult concept to understand, whether you want to accept it or not. Many Christians regard masturbation as a sin, a temptation by the devil or a weakness of the soul. Time has changed and so have peoples opinions. Some people are not embarrassed to talk about masturbation. I found the lecture interesting how back in the day there was things men used to wear to stop them from masturbating. These pictures were funny but looked every uncomfortable. Just by looking at people in this lecture it looked like people felt really uncomfortable with the conversation. In the lecture we also looked at a survey that was done by both men and women. Before we got the answers most of us thought that the questions answered were more by men. I found the results shocking that most of the answers about masturbating were answered by women and only one was answered by a man. In my opinion i always thought that men masturbate more than women because the always look at porn and are not embarrassed to talk about it to their friends. I think girl are more private and maybe they might feel a bit uncomfortable talking to other people about masturbation.

Friday 26 February 2010

Lecture 4 on lying.

Everyone lies. Lying happens every day. There are two types of lies, for example white lies, which do little or no harm or black lies, which can do harm to the deceiver or the deceived when the truth comes out.
Sometimes we can tell when people are lying and sometimes we can’t. There are different ways to find out if someone is lying for example: see if the person is avoiding eye contact. Is the person making eye contact when they are talking to you? Or are their eyes roaming around when they are talking to you and not really focused on yours. Check to see if they are fidgeting a lot for example are they moving around a lot like in a bit of a panic? The person might be moving their hands a lot when they are moving around a lot. Or maybe you might try to see if the person’s story adds up for example remembering what they said. I would probably wait about two weeks and ask them the story again and see if the story fits with what they were saying before. People can also take a lie detector test to see if they are lying.

A clip was shown in the lecture from Red dwarf: the character Lister was trying to teach Kryten how to lie and go against his robotic programming. In the video clip Lister says that “lying is vital part of our psychological defence system”.
In my opinion i think when it comes to men and women i don’t think one sex can lie more than the other. I think everyone is the same. A man can lie and so can women.

Sometimes people find themselves in a situation where they are forced to lie for the sake of protecting somebody else for example lying for your best friend. This might mean telling a lie to corroborate the person’s story “yes she slept over my house last night”. Sometimes people take responsibility for something they did not do so that the other person cannot get punished.
Coming to a conclusion i think that if people did not lie and the world was full of people telling the truth things will still be the same because people will still be getting hurt.

Thursday 25 February 2010


ShopliftingThursday, 11 February 2010 lecture on shoplifting was an interesting topic to discuss. In my opinion i believe that theft wrong and people should not try to justify it. Even if someone has stolen the smallest cheapest thing it’s still wrong. A short video clip that was shown from family guy looked at how a mother became addicted to shoplifting. She started off by stealing one thing witch lead to her stealing even more. Shoplifting can become a more serious crime for example the person stealing might want to steal more and expensive thing or even lead to robbery or even scam. Moreover the question asked in this lecture was: Is shoplifting any different to any kind of theft, and why do people who can afford to buy things shoplift instead? Like i said at the beginning i believe that stealing is stealing and there is not any difference what you are doing is still wrong. I also believe that people who can afford to buy things but instead they shoplift them might do this for many different reasons for example to get attention, peer pressure or they might to it just because it fun and they get a buzz out of it.

Wednesday 24 February 2010

Lecture 2 on smoking.

Lecture 2 on smoking.
Lecture 2 on smoking.I started smoking when i was about 14. At first it was because all my friends were doing it and i felt that i had to smoke to fit in and everyone thought it was cool to smoke and made us look older and mature. I stopped smoking when i was 17 because i realised smoking is a dangerous and disgusting habit.The film that was shown in the lecture looked the influences of famous people that smoked films. Some people think that smoking is sexy and worth dying for. Moreover the people smoking in the film that was shown were constantly put in the viewers faces. In addition smoking in films and TV is not an accident it is purposely included because it contributes to the character of the individual smoker.In my opinion i think that smoking has continued to be in the public eye. There are a number of different anti smoking campaigns to encourage people to stop smoking , and web sites that try to support people for example The British Heat Foundation has information on how to get help if you want to quit smoking. there has been a total ban on smoking in pubs, bars, work and clubs. But people are still smoking knowing that it is damaging to their health and wellbeing. example of the changing use of cigarettes in the movies is in the bond movies this was pointed out in the lecture, the bond character Sean Connery is seen smoking in this picture: moreover the new James bond Daniel Craig is not smoking in the picture from Casino Royale: As a result this shows that times have changed and the character of bond has changed to with a different actor taking over the part of Bond. Coming to a conclusion people attitudes about smoking have changed. The government have taken action the number of deaths from the effects of smoking, for example banning smoking in public places. In my opinion i feel that this has made it easier for smokers to give up smoking. There are many TV adverts, radio adverts and websites that give advice to people on how to give up smoking.

Friday 19 February 2010

first lecture Bad things you’ve done

I found this lecture very interesting, funny and must of the things people confessed to were very disturbing. It was very interesting to find out the things that different people have done. I think the worst confession was when someone wrote that they had sex with their sister. This is obviously wrong, it is incest and illegal. But according to the BBC news website for about 300years a significant proportion of all marriages recorded were between brothers and sisters: According to research being in an incest relationship and having children with that person can lead to the child having special needs. Moreover some research shows that some genetics put the risk of producing a disabled child as high as 50% but this is hotly debated.
Some experts say that incestual marriages were widespread at least during part of the Egyptian history like as Naphtali Lewis (Life in Egypt under Roman Rule: Oxford, 1983), claims that many papyri attest to many husbands and wives as being brother and sister: Me personally i think that incest in wrong, this is because I was raised to believe that it is wrong and you should never sleep with your brother or sister. On the other hand this is a hard topic to get around because apart from having children that may have special needs who decided that incest was wrong and why should it be wrong.

Thursday 18 February 2010

being bad field trip

I think are lesson on smoking was really interesting .It would be interesting to go to a drug work shop and hear people talk about their experiences with drugs and how taking drugs has changed their life. It would be interesting to find out why they started talking drugs, who introduced them to drugs, and when they finally decided to get help. I think this would inspire other people not to take drugs because they would get the chance to speaking to someone who has experienced talking drugs and how it has affected their life.